Shops In Altrincham


#1 IDAHO is one of the shops that you can buy gifts from and other items from. Some of the things you can buy here are little bracelets and necklaces, and so many other things that will have you wanting more each time you walk by the window. You will see small things you can stick in your home so that it looks nice or just small things to wear around. They have not been open long so take a trip to the gift shop and have a look around for things that may catch your eye.
#2 Squires is a nice spot that you will love to go look at all things at. You will find antiques and things that will look good with the theme in your home that you want to show off. You will enjoy the oldness to the items and just how much history they have behind each item. The texture and the feel of each item will have you wondering what it is made of and you can buy anything you feel like buying in the store.
#3 Timpsons is a shoe repair shop that you can have your shoes fixed at. ever had a pair of shoes that you love so much and want to keep them longer. Well now they have somewhere you can have them fixed at and not have to deal with buying new ones or throwing the old ones out. Take any pair of shoes you have into this shop and you will be happy to see them looking newer the next time you go and pick them up. The people who work here work really hard to give you what you want and they make sure you are happy when you walk out with your shoes.
#4 Vintage Angel, a store that the women will love. They can buy things here that look very nice and expensive. The things that are made in the shop are made for gifts or just anything that you want to keep for yourself. Buy anything you want for any celebration. Things for birthdays or for Christmas. They have wish items that you will love to give to that someone special or you can set it on a table at your house to show off to the family and friends. Get things that have been made from movies or wish boxes that are great for those little kids that love things to collect. The designs on the items are so beautifully designed you will want to know who did it.
#5 The Works is a cool looking shop that you can find things that are marked down in price. They have toys and books. Also, there are things like crafts and books for you women who love to do things like that. The best part is that everything is marked down so that it is easier on you to buy the items. Having this shop helps people who can not afford much of anything because they have little money. We need more shops are like this so the poor can but things and have a happy family and life.